Weighted Pillow or Weighted Blanket for Dementia: Which is Better?

Medically Reviewed by: Dr. Jennifer Guttman, Clinical Psychologist
Considering a weighted blanket for dementia care? Learn why weighted pillows are better than weighted blankets for seniors with dementia and Alzheimer's.
Weighted Pillow or Weighted Blanket for Dementia: Which is Better?

Caring for a loved one with dementia or Alzheimer’s is challenging, especially when it comes to managing symptoms like anxiety and insomnia. Could a weighted blanket be the answer you’re looking for?

While weighted blankets are known for relieving anxiety and improving sleep, they aren’t the safest option for seniors. In this article, you’ll learn about the benefits of weighted pillows and weighted blankets for dementia and Alzheimer’s care and find out why weighted pillows are the superior choice.

How Weighted Pillows and Weighted Blankets Help with Dementia and Alzheimer’s

Weighted blankets and weighted pillows are therapeutic tools designed to provide comfort and relief through Deep Touch Pressure (DTP).  This technique uses gentle pressure to mimic the effects of a comforting hug, helping to calm the central nervous system. 

For loved ones with dementia or Alzheimer’s, this soothing pressure can alleviate common symptoms such as anxiety, agitation, and insomnia. DTP enhances the production of calming hormones like serotonin and melatonin, which promote relaxation and sleep, while reducing levels of the stress hormone cortisol. 

This unique combination offers multiple benefits for dementia and Alzheimer’s patients.

The Benefits of Weighted Pillows and Weighted Blankets for Dementia and Alzheimer’s

Weighted pillows and blankets offer a range of therapeutic benefits for loved ones with dementia and Alzheimer’s due to the effects of Deep Touch Pressure (DTP). Here’s a look at the key benefits and the science behind them.

Enhanced Mood and Overall Well-Being

DTP with a weighted pillow or blanket stimulates the release of serotonin, often called the “feel-good hormone.” This boost in serotonin can improve mood and overall well-being, encouraging a positive mental state. For those with dementia or Alzheimer’s, a stable mood can lead to more positive social interactions and a more engaged and happier demeanor. 

Improved Sleep Quality

The Deep Touch Pressure provided by a weighted pillow or blanket also promotes the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep-wake cycles. Many dementia and Alzheimer’s patients struggle with sleep disturbances at night, which can exacerbate other symptoms.

The sleep-inducing qualities of a weighted blanket or pillow can contribute to improved cognitive function and reduced irritability during waking hours. Improved sleep quality can also make a significant difference in the quality of life of older adults living with dementia or Alzheimer’s.

Reduced Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are common in patients with dementia and Alzheimer’s due to the progressive nature of these conditions. The calming effects of DTP offered by a weighted pillow or blanket reduce cortisol levels, the body’s primary stress hormone, while boosting serotonin, which lifts and stabilizes the mood.

DTP offers a promising alternative for treating mental illness without medication. By reducing negative emotions and promoting a positive mindset, weighted pillows and blankets can help loved ones with dementia and Alzheimer’s feel more at ease and better equipped to handle the daily challenges of coping with these conditions. 

Providing Comfort

The gentle, even pressure provided by a weighted pillow or blanket mimics the sensation of being held or hugged, which can be exceptionally comforting for people living with dementia and Alzheimer’s.  This sense of physical security helps reduce feelings of confusion and fear and provides emotional reassurance.

This combination of effects helps loved ones feel safe and calm in their environment, which can dramatically improve their quality of life.

The Cons of Weighted Blankets for Seniors with Dementia and Alzheimer’s

Although weighted blankets offer many therapeutic benefits, they aren’t the best choice for elderly loved ones with dementia or Alzheimer’s due to several safety risks and practical considerations. Here’s what you need to know:

Risk of Overheating

Weighted blankets can cause overheating, especially in seniors who may already struggle with temperature regulation. The added weight and insulation can trap heat next to the body, leading to discomfort and potentially exacerbating conditions like dehydration. This increased risk of overheating is particularly dangerous for dementia and Alzheimer’s patients, who may not be able to communicate their discomfort effectively.

Restricted Movement

The heavy nature of a weighted blanket can restrict movement, making it difficult for seniors with limited strength and mobility to reposition themselves during sleep or get out of bed without assistance. For loved ones with dementia or Alzheimer’s, this could lead to entrapment or increase the risk of falls and cause panic or agitation.

Potential for Joint and Back Pain

The added pressure of a weighted blanket over the entire body can lead to joint pain and back issues, especially in elderly loved ones with frail bones or existing musculoskeletal conditions. Prolonged use of a weighted blanket that is too heavy or improperly distributed increases this risk, potentially causing discomfort or worsening existing pain.

Increased Risk of Circulation and Breathing Problems

Weighted blankets may impair circulation and breathing, particularly in users with pre-existing conditions that compromise respiration or circulation. The weight can put pressure on the chest, making it difficult for seniors to breathe deeply and potentially reducing blood flow, which can be dangerous for loved ones with compromised health.

Practical Drawbacks Due to Size and Weight

The size and weight of weighted blankets make them cumbersome to manage, especially for seniors with limited strength. They can also present challenges for caregivers because they are difficult to clean, move, and adjust. Their bulkiness makes them difficult to transport from one location to another within the home or on the go, further limiting their practicality for Alzheimer’s and dementia care.

Why Weighted Pillows Are Better for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Care

While weighted blankets have benefits, weighted pillows offer distinct advantages that make them a superior choice for seniors with dementia and Alzheimer’s. Here’s why the Original Weighted Pillow stands out as the safer and more practical option.

Enhanced Safety and Comfort Without the Drawbacks

The Original Weighted Pillow offers the same calming effects but without the risks of overheating and restricted movement that come with a weighted blanket. Unlike heavy blankets, weighted pillows don’t cover the entire body, eliminating the risk of breathing issues, circulation problems, or becoming trapped. 

This makes them a more comfortable and safer alternative to weighted blankets for elderly loved ones with dementia or Alzheimer’s who may be more vulnerable to these risks. 

Portability and Ease of Use

On the practical side, weighted pillows are portable and easy to use. The Original Weighted Pillow by Quiet Mind comes in three weights and sizes, allowing you to choose the most appropriate option for your loved one’s needs.

Weighted pillows can easily be carried and used in various settings throughout the home, in the car, or even during a doctor’s visit to provide comfort without the hassle of a heavy blanket.

Versatility and Convenience

Our weighted pillow is highly versatile and can be used in different ways to meet the specific needs of dementia and Alzheimer’s patients. They can be placed on the lap, hugged across the chest, or positioned between the legs while sleeping on the side to offer targeted relief where it’s needed most.

Our weighted pillow also has a removable, washable cover for easy cleaning. This makes the Original Weighted Pillow a more convenient option for day-to-day support.

Choose Comfort and Safety for Your Loved One

For seniors with dementia or Alzheimer’s, comfort and safety are top concerns. Weighted pillows offer superior safety and comfort for loved ones facing the cognitive challenges and limited mobility that often come with these conditions.

Our weighted pillow is designed with these benefits in mind. Available in three weights and sizes for customizability, it provides the benefits of Deep Touch Pressure without the drawbacks of a heavy blanket. Make the safer, smarter choice - try the Original Weighted Pillow by Quiet Mind and see how it can improve daily life for your loved one.